Jack Surveyer

WordPress Optimizing Sleuthing

There are new realities in WordPress Development. WordPress is no longer in Kansas  – developers face a withering array of strategy, security. styling and integration problems that demand high-quality decisions and solutions. Developers can no longer assume that simple traditional routines will be available or the backend will deliver easy setup and reliability while easy-to-use, “no

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Website Speed Test

Website design, layout, and ease of use in delivering service to customers are staples of overall Website rankings. But lurking in the background is the factor that more Website specialists are espousing – Website Speed and Responsiveness. So this posting will list the top Website Speed Test tools with an eye to free, speed of

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Building Standalone Low-code Apps

The broad move to low-code /no-code apps has changed how web development is done. The new emphasis is on fast delivery of highly customizable designs that can be quickly tested and performance optimized to meet rapidly changing business and client needs. Another review has looked at how hyper-automation and intensive business process analytics now pervade

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How WordPress Lost the Low-code/No-code Market

With the intro back in 2009  of quick setup, low-cost CMS-Content Management Systems, WordPress led the way in medium-scale web development. This position was consolidated with a dual mode Visual/Text editor using changeable and customizable theme files, and supported by 30++ thousand largely free plugins. These components delivered a broad range of backend capabilities [SEO,

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Low-code/No-Code Development Platforms

In the past five years, Low-code and No-code development platforms have taken significant market presence in Web development for Enterprise, Mid-Market, and Small-busineses. The immediate drivers are rapid and large-scale technical and business market changes as described by McKinsey, plus increasing reliability and security vulnerabilities and major changes in Consumer buying patterns and ongoing support

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What is HyperAutomation ?

According to IBM Hyperautomation is the concept of automating everything in an organization that can be automated. Organizations that adopt hyperautomation aim to streamline processes across their business using artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and other technologies to run without human intervention. Meanwhile, Gartner also sees hyperautomation as one of the top 10 strategic

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Elementor AI Post

This post will explore the features of Elementor AI Elementor AI Overview   Elementor AI Text Trial Installing software typically involves downloading the installation package and running the installer. Users may be prompted to select components, specify installation paths, and configure settings during the installation process. Configuration may involve selecting connection settings, data storage locations,

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Using Carousels, Sliders, Slideshows to Manage UI Display Space

The NewYork Times and Washington Post and other news/sports media  are constantly confronted with the issue of what stories are to appear on their landing pages. This balancing act is further complicated by what media need to be used – images, videos, podcasts or even design objects . This is the same issue faced by

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AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World This s a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states is took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the ability to adapt new proesses and machinery that

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Thoughtful Buffalo WP Meetup

Our last Buffalo WP Meetup reported in as being packed with cheerful help. The February 2 2023 meetup took a thoughtful turn as major questions got discussed in a surprising turn of events. It started innocently enough with Spokane’s Mark Noder citing an updated Gutenberg roadmap and strategic direction statement in January 16th 2023 by  Josepha,

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WPSite Optimization – 2 Recurring Problems

Despite scheduling just five days before Christmas, The Toronto WordPress Group’s Lets FixIt meetup had a strong turnout with many interesting websites and problems. The Big No surprise, Woo Commerce was often used but also the source of difficulties – there were  two consistent vilains: First, image optimizaion was the source of  hard, concrete Woo

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Buffalo WordPress Meetup-Cheerful Help

The Buffalo WordPress Meetup this past Friday was both cheerful and helpful. Cheerful with Michelle’s video upside down like mine so  we both revert to static text or image. The ripostes were devoted to the Snow job northwest New York had to endure and the Bills Eeking out Erie wins. What made the Buffalo WordPress

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WordPress Meetup – CSS Coding

For many WordPress Developers the attraction of WordPress is great UI design tools with No Coding Required. But within the last year that promise has changed to “Some Coding Required” with the emergence of Gutenberg FSE and new ThemeBuilders like BreakDance, BricksBuilder, Elementor Pro, and OxygenBuilder, All of these tools are now using advanced CSS

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Mobile Presence Meetup Promises Insights

This meetup tomorrow on Wednesday at 6PM is packed with new insights on Mobile Usage in WordPress. The foremost is how Mobile Devices are now the number one presence on the Web carrying close to 56% of Worldwide Internet traffic Yes, in North America desktop traffic at 50% exceeds mobile. But as a WordPress developer

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