Website Speed Test

Website design, layout, and ease of use in delivering service to customers are staples of overall Website rankings. But lurking in the background is the factor that more Website specialists are espousing – Website Speed and Responsiveness. So this posting will list the top Website Speed Test tools with an eye to free, speed of test, coverage of critical speed factors. Ease of use, availability of speed diagnostics, and display options will be noted. But the crucial factor will be for readers to click the links and try out a Speed Test Tool.

Google lighthouse  – free, 15-30 secs, mobile & desktop, detailed  diagnostics for speed, acceesibility, SEO,  etc
Gtmetrix – freemium, 12-25secs, Web Vitals  with Diagn, Speed-Waterfall-Video-History, display images
Webpagetest – free, 35-40sec, 3 passes of web page, Web Vitals, detail diagnostics for each pass, web treemap
Pingdom – freemium, 10-15secs, 10 ratings and diagnostics in pulldowns, detailed content size data
KeyCDN – free, 25-40sec, failed to connect to several sites using different KeyCDN locations, barebones stats

Premium Tests like  DotCom. Uptrends, Uptime, Sematext etc go for $20/month++ -check the freebies first.

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