
How TotalAV PC Internet Security Lost a Customer

I have been a TotalAV PC Internet security user since late October 2017 and have been reasonably happy with the service. But in mid-February that all changed with the following notices from TotalAV: This was the first notification that arrived unannounced mid-screen, mid-day. Surprise! but it was not the last – as suddenly, out of […]

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CSSHero and SiteOrigin: CSS Styling IDEs

Have you ever had the problem that you just can’t seem to correct the CSS on one of your WordPress websites?  Your browser’s Inspect command  can get you started towards isolating the right CSS  and stylesheet to change to correct the errant style. But  the Inspect command will only allow you to temporarily test CSS

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MobiRise Bootstrap IDE for Fast Website Design

The last five years have seen the rise of open, free and popular CSS+HTML5+JS frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation Zurb and Ink for creating mobile responsive apps for a variety of SPAs (Single Page Applications) to larger multi-page websites. It should not be a surprise that each of these free frameworks has generated a number of

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